Party Time
Yes, elections are coming.
Check out the Israel Electoral Compass . (Thanks, Jameel!)
I did. And discovered, to my horror, that there really isn't a party for me.
That's, one can 'psyche out' this test and get whatever results one is aiming for, but if you take it honestly, the results, at least for me, are disappointing.
I'm a centrist.
There are no centrist parties.
I'm a 'hawk' on security but apparently a real marshmallow on things like civil rights, social safety nets, and legislation.
I'm a traditionalist on religious issues vis-a-vis the State with two outstanding exceptions that tend toward the left/liberal.
None of these parties are my cup of tea. Apparently none are a good fit. The top three parties whose platforms are in 'substantive agreement' with my sentiments, according to this 'election compass,'are all parties I loathe.
I have a few weeks to decide. I will try to be responsible, decide rationally, and not let the antics of Hamas, Hezbollah and their Iranian puppet-master stampede me to extremes. I will try to decide which party offers the best future to all of Israel, rather than which party caters to special interests, big money or its own corrupt list. I will try to find a leadership which isn't afraid of tough decisions, and isn't afraid of angering the White House.
I wonder if such a party exists?
I just filled it out and am quite shocked by the result.
I felt exactly the same way---scary, huh?
Forget about the loathing. You sound Likud. I think that the point of this "program" is make one rational, and loathing isn't.
If you loathe someone, why on earth would you choose them as a leader? Above comment is very mistaken..
I filled it too.. not really surprised. The graph is misleading, actually - even in its design: it highlights three main angles of analysis then tries to put it on 2-axes graph.
Anyways. A better match notwithstanding (guess which party? :), I would've voted for Kadima, anyway. Right now, the main target should be to stop the Bibi-Feiglin-Lieberman fascist trend in this country...
Good luck with your choice. You know, there may not be a party that matches all your preferences, so you'll need to set your priorities..
And right now your country needs a leader that can unify it, capitalise on the situation at hand, and use it properly to advance the country's interest..
Likud will unavoidably fumble it.
Yeah, I agree... you sound Likud to me too.
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